Monday, January 29, 2007

sunday 1-28 austin's half marathon

yep i ran austin's half marathon was nice and clear weather but it was cold...............and wind............i completed it 2.39 slow and it was only two weeks after running my 1st marathon..........i can say it was a learning experience , my legs just did not go......... my breathing was fine .........pain was felt in my legs from mile three on.....guess it was too quick to get back out there...............on the i will go back to the track at memorial park and keep up my weekly runs............... also it was lonely out there no one knew i was going to be out there except for two friends..............and they were not in austin for the weekend......i also did not wear my headset.......i think that would have helped me not think so much about the leg pains......... i just wanted to finish and it was good to get back out there........i actually had fun........ and i think that is why i run................


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Hey, little brother, where have you been? You haven't posted for a while, don't give up on the good that you've accomplished.
I just got back to running again on the treadmill and am hoping that in the next day or so I can run in the park across from our subdivision where there is a 3 mile path. April 29th will be here before I know it.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Hey, you need to blog more here...don't slow down. I have lots to tell you. I've run 3 times in our park. I found out today from our driveway to and thru the park and back to the driveway is 3.3 miles, just over a 5k run. Today I did it in 39 minutes, which is one minute better than my previous best time. I bought a Polar RS200sd watch over the weekend. It has an EKG level heart monitor as well as a shoepod that measures pace. It was grea using it in the park today and I think that helped me cut the one minute off my other times. At times I was actually running at a 9:30 and 9:45 pace but of course couldn't keep it up. I don't think I ever dropped below a 15:30 pace even when walking. This weekend I do my first official 5k run here in the area. I have that run, then another 5k the next weekend, and then an 8k the weekend after that. I'm going to be ready for the 1/2 marathon at the end of April.
Tonight I am going to the Edmond Runner's Club meeting. They meet once a month on the 4th Monday evening. I'll let you know how it goes....Love ya....Randy

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Ok, it's been two months now. I know you are busy, but give us an update on your recent runs at least. Come by and say hello, I've added you to my blog.


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Hey, do you ever look here any more? I hope you haven't given up on your running. I did 113 miles in July, not fast, but consistent.


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